Beautiful pics of Veronica Dunne and Lita Ford feet and legs

Veronica Dunne (born Veronica Dunne) is an American Actress best known for portraying Marisa Clar in K.C.Undercover, a Disney Channel Series. Her popularity is mostly due to her role. Veronica, like Marisa has many similarities. It makes their character a very special one. Fashion is one of the numerous things the green-eyed beauty performs. The green-eyed beauty has wore stylish and funky outfits in the Disney Show that made a fashion statement to youngsters. She was an actor and actress and she has performed on Broadway and stage in numerous musicals and plays. She also has appeared in a few films. Her performances on television shows like The Suite Life on Deck doing it up along with Austin and Ally, among other shows, has made her an international star.

Lita Rossana Ford is an American musician, singer and guitarist from Britain. She played the guitar of the all-girl group The Runaways in the 1970s. Their punk rock style and their wacky songs allowed them to gain recognition in the world of rock. The band failed to make a significant impact in The United States but earned huge international recognition, notably in Japan. When the band broke up at the end of 1979 Ford embarked upon a successful solo career in heavy metal. She started taking voice classes before releasing her first album , 'Dancin' On the Edge'. Ford vanished for some time from the world of rock following the releases of both albums. It was 1988 when she released her smashing success album 'Lita.' It became a huge hit for both the song 'Kiss Me Deadly,' and the ballad , 'Close My Eyes forever. The singer disappeared from the industry for a few years after her short-lived popularity. In 1995 she released "Black," and fifteen years later 'Wicked Wonderland. The album she released in the year 2016 titled 'Time-Capsule. Guitar Player Magazine has awarded her The Certified Guitar Legend Award.

pics Veronica Dunne Feet and Legs pics Veronica Dunne Feet and Legs pics Veronica Dunne Feet and Legs pics Veronica Dunne Feet and Legs pics Veronica Dunne Feet and Legs pics Lita Ford Feet and Legs pics Lita Ford Feet and Legs pics Lita Ford Feet and Legs pics Lita Ford Feet and Legs


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